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Farewell hectic 2021-Session 1

Although the entire session was still affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing restrictions, all SURE3 members spent a hectic Session 1, full with memories and advancements.

Dr. Chang taught Soil Mechanics (Year 3) and Ground Stability Analysis and Design (Year 4) for Session 1. Despite the hindered teaching circumstances, the final student feedback implies that most students enjoyed and were satisfied with their classes.

Haejin had her Master enrollment interview, where she expressed her tremendous passion on research. Welcome on board Haejin~!

The SURE3 research group initiated two special research task forces on:

- PIV technology implementation TF (Members: Moon-Kyung, Suhyuk, Gi-Yoon)

- Soil erosion TF (Members: Sojeong, Suhyuk, Dong-Hyun, Mintae)

Despite it was a unreachable challenge at the beginning, the TFs made remarkable contributions on enhancing and promoting the research capabilities on physical modeling and erosion device setup. Great job teams, hope to see more outcomes in advance.

Special shot: What a serious discussion~! Soil Erosion TF team (From the left: Mintae, Suhyuk, Sojeong, and Dong-Hyun)



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© 2023 by Ilhan Chang and
SURE3 GEO Research Group at Ajou University

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SURE3 Geotechnical Engineering Research Group 

Ajou University - UNSW Canberra

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