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E3GEO's visit to Glucan Ltd. in Jinju, South Korea

As a sincere partner in biopolymer-based soil treatment (BPST) research, E3GEO formed and developed a strong partnership with Glucan Ltd. since 2010.

Glucan Ltd. is a professional organisation on biopolymer development and production. Under the collaborative framework between E3GEO and Glucan, we are able to proceed novel research on beta-glucan BPST, which resulted more than 3 journal publications and 4 registered patents.

E3GEO members visited the HQ of Glucan in Jinju, South Korea on January 7, 2020, to discuss about onward collaboration in 2020. We have reached a consensus to attempt pilot production of xanthan gum and enhance the properties of currently used beta-glucan.

E3GEO wants to appreciate the warm hospitality from Glucan for hosting us, and we expect to enhance our partnership onward.


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© 2023 by Ilhan Chang and
SURE3 GEO Research Group at Ajou University

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SURE3 Geotechnical Engineering Research Group 

Ajou University - UNSW Canberra

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