Dr. Chang attended the ASCE Geo-Congress 2020
Dr. Chang travelled to Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA from February 24 to February 28, 2020 to attend the Geo-Congress 2020 hosted by the ASCE's Geo-Institute.
Dr. Chang delivered two presentations during the conference in sessions:
- Grouting: Grouting verification from lab to field
- Special session 26 Part 1 Biogeotechnics Symposium: Lifecycle analysis and bio-mediated ground improvement
Dr. Chang also had active discussions with colleagues including Prof. Leon van Paassen (ASU), Prof. Jason DeJong (UC Davis), Prof. Boohyun Nam (UCF), Prof. Jie Han (UoK) and scholars from the NSF-funded CBBG (Center of Bio-inspired and Bio-mediated Geotechnology) during the conference. It was a pleased to share E3GEO's recent updates and seek for further contribution opportunities.