Super baby participant for the 19th ICSMGE !

The 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE) has been successfully closed after it's comprehensive 4 days with honourable lectures, plenary and parallel sessions, social events, exhibitions, and heat discussions. On the last day of academic events the closing ceremony was held with a overviewing conference report. The 19th ICSMGE closed with total 1957 participants and super baby participants !
The closing conference report included a slide introducing super baby participants, where Boyun Joseph Chang (Dr. Ilhan Chang's son) has been introduced to the audiences. Boyun attended the iYGEC6 and following 19th ICSMGE's opening ceremony, exhibitions, and Gala Dinner. He enjoyed the conference as same as Dr. Chang did. Although his future is his own, we carefully dream Boyun attending the 26th ICSMGE after 28 years !! Wow...