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Attending the 19th ICSMGE and 6th iYGEC

Dr. Ilhan Chang is going to attend the 19th ICSMGE (International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering) and the 6th iYGEC (International Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference) held in Seoul, Korea.

Both ICSMGE and iYGEC are the biggest events held every four years hosted by the ISSMGE (International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering). After his attendance as a national nominee (of Korea) to the past iYGEC and ICSMGE events held in Paris, 2013, Dr. Chang is attending this year's event to present his research and chair technical sessions. As being the biggest global event in the field of geotechnical engineering, Dr. Chang and E3GEO group are expecting to expand our global network and friendship with researchers from around the world at the 19th ICSMGE and 6th iYGEC.

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© 2023 by Ilhan Chang and
SURE3 GEO Research Group at Ajou University

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SURE3 Geotechnical Engineering Research Group 

Ajou University - UNSW Canberra

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