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[New Article] “Sustainable soil treatment: Investigating the efficacy of carrageenan biopolymer on the geotechnical properties of soil” published in Construction and Building Materials (


[New Article] “Biological perspectives in geotechnics: Application and monitoring” published in Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (


[Congratulations] Suhyuk has been awarded the “Park Changho Scholarship” at the 2023 KSCE Convention. Congratulations Suhyuk.


SURE3 members (Dr. Chang, Moonkyung, Suhyuk, Gi-Yun, Hwijae, Junhyeok, Hyungbin, and Jinwoo) have travelled to Yeosu, Korea for the 2023 KSCE Convention (October 18-20). SURE3 presented 4 oral and 1 poster presentations.


[New Article] “Biological perspectives in geotechnics: Theoretical developments” published in Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology (


[New Article] “Strengthening and permeability control of granular soil via trivalent chromium-crosslinked xanthan gum biopolymer treatment” published in Transportation Geotechnics (


Dr. Chang started his sabbatical leave (Sep 1 to End of Feb. 2024) at UNSW Australia. Chanjo has joined SURE3 GEO as an intern.


[Congratulations] Dr. Sojeong Lee's research proposal the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea for her post-doctoral research has been successfully granted. Congratulations Dr. Lee for your well-deserved award. 


[New Article] "Advanced biopolymer-based soil strengthening binder with Cr3+-Xanthan gum crosslinking for wet strength and durability enhancement" published in Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (


[New Article] "Xanthan Biopolymer-Based Soil Treatment Effect on Kaolinite Clay Fabric and Structure Using XRD Analysis" published in Scientific Reports (


[New Article] "Xanthan gum biopolymer-based soil treatment as a construction material to mitigate internal erosion of earthen embankment: A field-scale" published in Construction and Building Materials (


[New Article] "Effect of microbial biopolymers on the sedimentation behavior of kaolinite" published in Geomechanics and Engineering (


[New Article] "Water retention properties of xanthan-gum-biopolymer-treated soils" published in Environmental Geotechnics 


[New Article] "Alkaline induced-cation crosslinking biopolymer soil treatment and field implementation for slope surface protection" published in Geomechanics and Engineering (


SURE3 members (Dr. Chang, Moonkyung, Suhyuk, Gi-Yun, and Yongeun) have travelled to Los Angeles, USA for the ASCE Geo-Congress 2023 (March 26-29). SURE3 presented 2 oral and 2 poster presentations, and actively communicated with our current and new collaborators.


[Congratulations] Prof. Ilhan Chang received the President Award from the Korean Geotechnical Society (KGS) for his outstanding contribution to KGS.


SURE3 members (Dr. Chang, Moonkyung, Suhyuk, Gi-Yun, Hyungbin, Hwijae, and Jun-Hyeok) travelled to Yeosu for the Korean Geotechnical Society (KGS) 2023 Spring Conference (March 22-March 23)


[New Article] "The effects of particle size distribution and moisture variation on mechanical strength of biopolymer-treated soil" published in Polymers (


[Congratulations] Prof. Ilhan Chang received the 2022 Excellence in Education (Teaching) award from the President of Ajou University (Dr. Kee-Choo Choi) for his outstanding contribution to University education.


[Ajou University Commencement] Congratulations to Dr. Ki-Rim Kim, MSs Mintae Kim and Haejin Lee, BSs Hwijae Lee, Junhyuk Yeom and Hyungbin Park for their academic achievements. Hwijae, Jun-Hyeok and Hyungbin are continuing their MS studies with SURE3 GEO. Cheers to all~! 


[New Article] "Consolidation and swelling behavior of kaolinite clay containing xanthan gum biopolymer" published in Acta Geotechnica (



SURE3 GEO Year End Lunch (Dec 27) and Winter shut-down (Dec 28 - January 4, 2023).


[New Article] "Durability and strength degradation of xanthan gum based biopolymer treated soil subjected to severe weathering cycles" published in Scientific Reports (


[Congratulations] Sojeong Lee received the Best Paper Award for her paper presented at the KGS(Korean Geotechnical Society) Fall Conference. Congrats~!


Hyungbin (HB) and Jinwoo (JW) joined the SURE3 GEO group for their UG and further research. Welcome guys!.


[Conference] Dr. Chang, Moonkyung, Giyun, Suhyuk, Mintae, Haejin attended the 10th International Conference on Physical Modeling in Geotechnics 2022 (ICPMG 2022) and Giyun, Suhyuk, Mintae well presented their reseach works!


[Conference] Sojeong Lee attended the KGS(Korean Geotechnical Society) Fall Conference and well presented her research "A study on Feasibilty of Xanthan gum biopolymer to TBM Slurry additive".


[Conference] The 2022 International Conference on Geomechanics and Engineering (ICGE22) organized by Dr. Chang was a big success with 45 papers and 60+ onsite and online participants.


[Congratulations] Minhyeong has successfully defended his final PhD dissertation review. Big congratulations, Dr. Lee!


[New Article] "Improvement of the geotechnical engineering properties of dune sand using a plant-based biopolymer Serish" by
Dr. Ilhan Chang and collaborators in Australia and Iran (


[Congratulations] Dr. Chang received the Excellent Faculty in Research Award in 2021 from the President (Prof. Kee-Choo Choi) of Ajou University.


[Congratulations] Minhyeong Lee and Moonkyung Baek were awarded the Best Paper Award for their papers presented at the KGS (Korean Geotechnical Society) 2022 Spring Convention (March 16). Big congratulations~!


[New Article] "Engineering characteristics of dune sand–fine marble waste mixtures" by Dr. Ilhan Chang and collaborators in Oman (


[Congratulations] Dr. Chang received Education Excellence and Research Excellence Awards in 2021 from the College of Engineering, Ajou University.


Hwijae (HJ) and Junhyeok (JH) joined the SURE3 GEO group for their UG and further research. Welcome Hwijae and Jun-Hyeok.


[Keynote Lecture] Dr Chang was invited to give a Keynote Lecture at the Advancements in Geotechnical Engineering: from Research to Practice (AGERP22) lecture series. Visit our Blog for more details.


[Congratulations] Giyun and Donghyeon graduated with a MS degree. GY will continue his PhD studies at SURE3 GEO, whereas DH will begin his professional career. Best wishes to DH and GY~!


The SURE3 GEO group convened an Annual Workshop to look back on our accomplishments in 2021 and make strategies for the coming year. For more details visit our Blog



[Congratulations] The Korean Society of Civil Engineers (KSCE) has honored Dr. Chang with the Member Award. 


[MS Thesis Final Review] Donghyeon Yang and Giyun Kim have finished their MS thesis reviews successfully. Congratulations to the two new Masters, and best wishes for the future!


[Congratulations] Moonkyung Baek and Donghyeon Yang received the Best Paper Award for their papers presented at the KSCE (Korean Society of Civil Engineers) 2021 Convention. Big congratulations~!


[Invited Seminar] "Mechanical Properties of Steel Composites and their use in Construction engineering" by Dr. Donghyun Van (Manger) at the Daewoo Institute of Construction Technology


[Invited Seminar] "Recent developments in Construction Equipment Automation" by Minsu Lee (Senior Researcher) at the Korea Construction Equipment Technology Institute (KOCETI) 


[New Article] "Investigation on the key parameters for the strengthening behavior of biopolymer-based soil treatment (BPST) technology" by Haejin Lee and Ilhan Chang (


[Conference] Dr. Chang, Moonkyung, Giyun, Donghyeon, and Haejin attended the KSCE Convention 2021 held at the Kim Dae Jung Convention Center in Gwangju. Mooonkyung, Giyun, and Donghyeon well presented their research works. Cheers~!


[New Article] "Effects of malonic acid crosslinked starch for soil strength improvement" by Dr. Jooyoung Im and Prof. Chang (


[New Article] "Site application of biopolymer-based soil treatment (BPST) for slope surface protection: in-situ wet-spraying method details and strengthening effect verification" (


[Keynote lecture] Dr. Chang was invited and presented a Keynote Lecture to the 2nd International Seminar on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ISCEE2021) "Sustainable Infrastructure and Environmental Development", organized by IPB University, Indonesia.


[New Article] "Effect of pore–fluid chemistry on the undrained shear strength of xanthan gum biopolymer-treated clays" by Ilhan Chang, Yeong-Man Kwon, and Gye-Chun Cho (


[New Article] "Experimental study to evaluate the adjacent construction effect on the bearing capacity and settlement of nearby foundation structures" by Moonkyung Baek, Sangduk Lee, and Ilhan Chang (


[Invited lecture] Dr. Chang presented an Invited Lecture to the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) in Goyang, invited by Dr. Jintae Han at KICT 


[New Article] "Nickel (Ni2+) removal from water using gellan gum-sand mixture as a filter material" by Thi Phuong An Tran, Hoon Cho, Gyechun Cho, Jongin Han, and Ilhan Chang (


[Invited Seminar] Prof. Gyuhyun Go at Kumoh National Institute of Technology. Click here for details.


[Invited Seminar] Prof. Jinung Do at Gyeongsang National University. Click here for details.


[New Article] "Biopolymers as green binders for soil improvement in geotechnical applications: A review" by Hadi Fatehi, Dominic E.L. Ong, Jimmy Yu, and Ilhan Chang (


[Keynote Lecture] Dr. Chang was invited and presented a Keynote Lecture to the 4th Sohar University Research Conference (SURC2021) organized by Sohar University, Oman.


E3GEO visited the Daewoo Institute of Construction Technology (DICT) for a field trip


[New Chapter] "Microbial Biopolymers as an Alternative Construction Binder" by Cho, G.C., Chang, I. and Im, J. (May 2021) in Microbial Polymers: An Ecological Perspectives (eds.: Vaishnav, A. and Choudhary, D.K.), pp. 581-617, Springer, Singapore.


[New Article] "Evaluation of injection capabilities of a biopolymer-based grout material" ( and "Surface erosion behavior of biopolymer-treated river sand" (


All E3GEO members attended the KGS 2021 Spring Conference. MK, SH, GY, and DH delivered oral presentations on their on going research work. Good job all~!  


Hayoung(HY) has joined the SURE3 GEO as an UG researcher. Welcome~!


[Invited lecture] Dr. Chang presented an Invited Lecture to the K-Water Research Institute in Daejeon, invited by Dr. Namryong Kim at K-Water 


[New Article] "Use of reservoir sediments to improve engineering properties of dune sand in Oman" by Dr. Chang 


Sojeong has returned from her program leave and joined the E3GEO group at Ajou University. Welcome back SJ~!


Suhyuk has commenced his PhD studies. Cheers SH in advance~!


Mintae has joined the SURE3 GEO group for his Master studies. Welcome~!


Haejin joined SURE3 GEO as an UG researcher and for her Master studies in advance. Welcome HJ~!
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© 2023 by Ilhan Chang and
SURE3 GEO Research Group at Ajou University

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SURE3 Geotechnical Engineering Research Group 

Ajou University - UNSW Canberra

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